Become a Camden County H.O.G Member
To become/be a Camden County H.O.G Member is easy, though there are a few requirements each member must meet:
You must be an active member of National Harley Owners Group (HOG). If you've purchased a new Harley-Davidson recently, then most likely you have already received your National HOG membership card/ID, which shows when you joined and when your membership expires, and are ahead of the game. If you’re not a National HOG member yet, you can find out about all of the National membership options, online. (Associate membership is available for partners, or children, of full members.)
You're already a National HOG Member!!!
Complete our membership form found on this link and, along with the initial membership fee, bring it with you to our monthly general/chapter meeting at Barb's Harley-Davidson.
Initial membership dues for Camden County H.O.G are only $20; due at the end of each calendar year.
Undecided? We welcome you to attend a ride/event before deciding whether you want to join us. Check out our calendar.
Once you become a CCHOG member, we encourage you to attend general membership/chapter meetings to discuss upcoming rides, stay up-to-date on the latest activities, welcome other new members, socialize, and share information for the good of the chapter. Plus, the more you come out, the more opportunities you will have to get to know your fellow CCHOG members and feel more comfortable within the chapter.
Membership Renewal
Annual membership dues for CCHOG members are due in January. Please note that we do not send out individual membership renewal notices, as National HOG does, but we will remind chapter members about renewing at our monthly meetings, in the newsletter, and on social media (Facebook and Instagram).